Barcelona: kiintymyssuhdekongressi


### 2009 International Attachment Conference

Points of convergence among developmental attachment research, epigenetics, neurosciences and clinical work.

Fundació Ferran Angulo, Barcelona 2-4 October 2009

Following the International Attachment Conferences in Regensburg, ATICA 2003, in Paris 2005, and, in Braga 2007, we are pleased to announce the 2009 International Attachment Conference which will be held at Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 October 2009 and to invite you to come to Barcelona.

The main theme of the 2009 Attachment Conference will be an exploration of points of contact and convergence among developmental attachment research, neurosciences, epigenetics and clinical work. The focus will be on understanding the role of attachment on developmental processes influencing psychosocial competences, the perspectives of neuroscience and epigenetic inquiry, and corresponding implications for clinical and social intervention with children, adolescents, adults, and families.

Keynote speakers, from Europe and USA, are invited to present findings from their recent research, elaborating on the implications that follow for clinical and social interventions. The main theme Points of convergence among developmental attachment research, epigenetics, neurosciences and clinical work will be discussed over two-and-a-half days, beginning with the focus on infancy and childhood and going on through adolescence and adulthood, including couples and families, with an interactional and ecological perspective based on research and clinical issues. In addition to the main scientific program, there will be symposiums and poster sessions where participants are welcome to present their research on attachment. The posters will be discussed by the keynote speakers

Looking forward to meeting you at the 2009 International Attachment Conference of Barcelona,

Howard Steele, Miriam Steele and Margarita Ibañez Conference Committee

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