
Nimi Vuosi Julkaisutiedot
Mäki Pirjo 2003 Parental separation at birth and maternal depressed mood in pregnancy - associations with schizophrenia and criminality in the offspring. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Medica D 740 (Online: http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn951-42-7080-0), University of Oulu, Finland
Hannesdottir Helga 2002 Studies on child and adolescent mental health in Iceland
Somersalo Heidi 2002 School environment and children's mental well-being. A child psychiatric view on relations between classroom climate, school budget cuts and children's mental health.
Aalto-setälä Terhi 2002 Depressive disorders among young adults.
Hukkanen Raija 2002 Psychosocial problems of children placed in children's homes.
Mattila Antti 2001 Seeing things in a new light.
Tuompo-Johansson Erja 2001 Day-care and mental health: An epidemiological study on the association between early childhood day-care arrangement and psychiatric disturbance at age 8-9.
Pasanen Timo 2001 Lastenkodin asiakaskunta. Psykiatrinen tutkimus lastenkotilasten kehityksellisistä riski- ja suojaavista tekijöistä, oirehdinnasta sekä hoidon tarpeesta.
Pajulo Marjukka 2001 Early motherhood at risk: Mothers with substance dependency
Pajari Heli 2000 Alport syndrome in Finland
Vuorenkoski Lauri 2000 Childhood between two countries: resilience and mental well-being of Finnish remigrant children and adolescents.
Ikäheimo Kaija 1999 Lastenpsykiatrinen hoitoonohjautumisprosessi.
Parkkola Kai 1999 Varusmiespalveluksen keskeytymisen ennakointi. Seurantatutkimus strukturoidun varusmieshaastattelun ja varusmiesseulan ennustearvosta
Puura Kaija 1998 What children tell and adults notice - psychiatric disturbances among Finnish children.
Santalahti Päivi 1998 Prenatal screening in Finland - availability and women's decisionmaking and experiences.
Mikkelsson Marja 1998 Musculosceletal pain and fibromyalgia in preadolescents. Prospective 1-year follow-up study
Kokkonen Eeva-Riitta 1998 Effect of chronic physical diseases since childhood on mental health disorders in early childhood. Effect of chronic physical diseases since childhood on mental health disorders in early childhood.
Kaivosoja Matti 1996 Pakko auttaa. Tutkimus mielenterveyslain säätämisen heijastumisesta alaikäisten pakkoauttamiskäytäntöihin vuosina 1991-1993.
Sourander Andre 1995 Child psychiatric short-term inpatient treatment a prospective study on content and outcome.
Kumpulainen Kirsti 1994 Life events, social networks and mental health among elementary school-age children: a population-based study.