
Nimi Vuosi Julkaisutiedot
Pietikäinen Johanna 2020 Sleeping problems during pregnancy, parental perinatal depressive symptoms and children’s emotional problems : Findings from the Child-Sleep and FinnBrain birth cohorts
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Sakellari Evanthia 2014 Exploring the Impact of Mental Health Education on Adolescents’ Perceptions About Mental Health and Mental Illness. Improving community health. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1133
Sandberg Seija 1975 Psychosocial adaptation of congenitally malformed children
Santalahti Päivi 1998 Prenatal screening in Finland - availability and women's decisionmaking and experiences.
Savio Marianna 2017 Vauvaperheen perhedynamiikka - monimenetelmä tapaustutkimus perhesuhteista ja vuorovaikutuksesta lapsen ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana
Schmitt Florence 2008 Families in the shadow of cancer
Sinkkonen Jari 1994 Hearing impairment, communication and personality development.
Siponen Elina 2013 Local recurrences in breast cancer and Paget´s disease of the breast
Solantaus Tytti 1990 Mental health of young people and the threat of nuclear war - socioepidemiological and activity theoretical studies.
Somersalo Heidi 2002 School environment and children's mental well-being. A child psychiatric view on relations between classroom climate, school budget cuts and children's mental health.
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